

November 2017 Cake International NEC Birmingham - Class N Small Decorative Exhibit - Gold Award 
Royal Icing Cake Decoration - Alphonse Mucha

有關注我們小確幸 Le Petit Bonheur 臉書粉絲專頁的大大們應該都知,我們冠瑩老師去年年底的慕夏蛋糕繼前年的國際大會大講得獎作品媽祖天后宮,去英國比賽再添了一個金獎回來。

For those of you who followed our facebook page from time to time would know.  In November 2017, our royal icing instructor Rachel has won yet another Gold Award from the world's largest cake competition in the United Kingdom.  As in previous year, in November 2016, she was honored with the precious International Best in Show Award with her cake decoration design - Taiwanese Sea Goddess Temple Cake.

2017 年 11 月小確幸的冠瑩老師參加了在英國伯明罕 NEC 所舉辦的世界年度盛事世界蛋糕大賽。此次參加了小型裝飾作品的 N 類組榮獲了金獎。

During November 2017, Rachel tended Cake International at NEC Birmingham again as a competitor with her Mucha Royal Icing Cake in Class N - Small Decorative Exhibit for which it won a Gold Award this time.





每年年底的 Cake International 都有超過數以千計來自世界各地的高手帶著自己的作品參加這個世界性的蛋糕盛會。2017年還聽說是歷屆比賽中報名參加比賽的作品為史上最多的一次。

Thousands and Thousands of cake enthusiasts and experts from all over the world bring their cake designs to NEC Birmingham UK every November for the competition, thus make Cake International the biggest cake competition exhibition in the world.  It was said the number of applicants for 2017 competition even reached a record high.

此次冠瑩老師的作品參加的是 N 組小型裝飾類組。單單這個類組就有 150 多件作品參賽。雖然因為作品拿到會場的時候有點破損而無法呈現最完美的狀態,但冠瑩老師的作品還是深受評審的青睞,榮獲了 N 類組的金獎。

Moreover, there are more than 150 pieces of cakes just in Class N: Small Decorative Exhibit Class which Rachel entered for her Mucha cake.
Although Rachel's cake was damaged in transit, it still caught some attention from the judges and the visitors, and won a gold award.


小編馬上就來跟大家分享冠瑩老師這次的蛋糕裝飾作品 [慕夏] 的幕後花絮

Here to share with you, is "The Making of Rachel's Mucha Royal Icing Cake".

慕夏,全名 Alphonse Mucha,1860 年出生在摩拉維亞 (現今的捷克) ,1939 年於布拉格因病逝世,傳奇的一生經歷過兩次的世界大戰,設計的作品為數眾多,對後世的影響深遠不計其數,學過設計的應該對他都不陌生,若稱他為"商業設計之父"甚至不為過。

Alphonse Maria Mucha, was born in 1860 in Moravia (currently Czech Republic). and died in 1939 due to lung disease.  His life went through first and the second world war. The numerous works he designed were not only legendary, but also had greatly influenced and inspired many people and generations to come.  Even at this present day, his name is not unfamiliar among the graphic design community, and his works still appear on a magazine or book covers.  "The Father of Commercial Design" as people called him to honored his legacy.


慕夏是冠瑩老師最愛的也是影響最深的藝術家。所以這次的參賽的作品,是冠瑩老師用最崇敬的心情與熱血,將喜愛的慕夏的設計融入自己的皇室糖霜蛋糕裝飾。設計出一個精雕細琢的糖霜蛋糕,向現代設計的大師 - 慕夏,獻上最的敬意。

Mucha is Rachel's most admired artist.  So this time, Rachel decided that she will combine what she loves the most, Royal Icing, and whom she respects the most, Mucha, into a single piece of artwork.  Forming a carefullly crafted royal icing cake decoration design, thus paying her utmost respect and tribute to her beloved art master, Alphonse Mucha. 


From many of Mucha's art works, following are the four classic poster designs Rachel chosed for her cake decorations. 

The Zodiac 皇道12宮
Byzantine Head : The Brunette 拜占庭風格頭像 : 黑髮
Byzantine Head : The Blonde 拜占庭風格頭像 : 金髮
Moët & Chandon Cremant Imperial 法國酩悅香檳酒的標籤設計


冠瑩老師從去年 9 月就開始閉關,從底稿設計到最後蛋糕完成花了快兩個月的時間。蒐集大量資料。發想。設計。
(題外話: 小編很佩服的是冠瑩老師能把一個 2 次元的平面人像轉化成立體 3D 並用全部都是可以食用的糖霜等食材將其在小小的蛋糕體上呈現出來。)

Work started from September 2017, from scraps to finished complete design took almost 2 months. During then, the massive data gathering, the brainstorming, the design, the actual making, the correction, the damaging, the repairing, the re-designed, the adjustments, much works went into this piece of cake.  Not to mention how much care was needed when taking the cake onto and off the airplane, from Taiwan to UK.



It was in the middle of winter when arriving in Birmingham.  The blistering cold weather and the humidity are very different from Taiwan, thus some parts of the cake broke off after a short period of time when completed.  This is just one of the difficulties Rachel had to face and overcome.



More photos of the completed work of Mucha Royal Icing Cake

蛋糕頂部細節 Top view in detail





蛋糕正面 - 黃道十二宮 - The Zodiac 



蛋糕側面 - 拜占庭風格頭像 : 黑髮美女 Byzantine Head : The Brunette


蛋糕側面 - 拜占庭風格頭像 : 金髮美女 Byzantine Head : The Blonde 


蛋糕背面 - 法國酩悅香檳酒 1900 年代的標籤 Moet & Chandon Cresant Imperial


以下是四面旋轉的影片~ A Video Clip of the cake rotating a complete circle. 

另外各位大大也可以到小確幸的臉書粉絲專頁欣賞這顆蛋糕四面旋轉的影片喔~ 請點選以下的連結喔

you may also click on the following link to watch this video at our Facebook page.
Don't forget to turn on HD for better quality

然而非常不幸的事是.... 發生在比賽結束之後。在倫敦過海關時的運氣不好,作品在這裡損壞了。


The unfortunate thing happened after the competition.  Mucha cake was hit hard and severely damaged during Custom check at the airport in London.
Maybe Rachel's cakes always ends up unlucky at the airport Custom in London. Last time in 2016, Taiwan Sea Goddess Cake was partly damaged when passing thru Custom.
This time, Mucha really got crashed, many parts broke into pieces. The damage is catastrophic.




Broken parts as shown...



Gods knows how much the time she spent and efforts she puts into this Mucha Royal icing cake.
To see the cake crumbling down into pieces within seconds is unbearably heart breaking.
The cake couldn't survive. It is unmendable. Thus unable to keep as a showpiece back in Taiwan.



After journeying back home, Rachel posted in facebook and said,

"For two consecutive years I shed my tears at the airport in London. The lesson of "saying goodbye and letting go" was learnt last year. Relatively speaking, this year feels less painful letting go. I will accept and cherish all the ups and downs of these experiences.  Having these memories, I am honored to be recognized to have made a certain effort in the work of sugarcraft workmanship.  Thanks to my family and friends who supported me and backed me up throughout my pursue of the Art of Royal Icing. Although at the end of each journey, the cakes were always so easily crushed down, but my passion towards art of sugarcraft persists."

(點頭同意) 小編兼打雜長工期許自己也可以堅持著同樣的熱忱,讓小確幸 Le Petit Bonheur 一直走向未來。

謝謝各位大大關注 Le Petit Bonheur 小確幸。

Thank you all for your interests in Le Petit Bonheur.

The most direct method to support us, is to come particapte in our Royal Icing Courses.
For more detailed course information, please check our facebook page. Thank you.

@LINE生活圈加好友ID: @lepetitbonheur 
















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    小確幸 Le Petit Bonheur

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